Sign-up & log-in


Create a new account

The first step to starting with Blucol is to have an account. If you don't already have an account, navigate to any of the dark blue buttons.

Once the registration form has been submitted, the email you've provided will have a confirmation sent to it.


Click the button in the email to confirm your account and log in.

Existing account

If you already have an account, navigate to the log-in link in the top right. If you've forgotten your password you can request a reset.


Check your email for the confirmation link. Clicking the link will prompt a password reset.


Create a new account

The first step to starting with Blucol is to have an account. If you don't already have an account, navigate to any of the dark blue buttons.

Once the registration form has been submitted, the email you've provided will have a confirmation sent to it.


Existing account

If you already have an account, navigate to the log-in link in the top right menu. If you've forgotten your password you can request a reset.


Check your email for the confirmation link. Clicking the link will prompt a password reset.